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Build Plans

As part of the diagnostics, you can preview the generated code that Lamar has used to resolve a service to completely understand how that object and all of its dependencies are built out.


New for Lamar 3.1.0 is a convenience method similar to WhatDoIHave() that prints out the build plans:

var container = new Container(x =>
    x.For<IEngine>().Use<Hemi>().Named("The Hemi");


    x.For<IEngine>().Add(c => new Rotary()).Named("Rotary");
    x.For<IEngine>().Add(c => c.GetService<PluginElectric>());

    x.For<IEngine>().Add(new InlineFour());



This method also provides the same kind of filtering as the WhatDoIHave() operation.

Querying for Specific Build Plans

Let's say you have a container configured like this:

container = new Container(x =>


    x.AddTransient<Rule, DefaultRule>();
    x.AddTransient<Rule, ARule>();
    x.AddSingleton<Rule>(new ColorRule("red"));

    x.AddScoped<IThing, Thing>();



And you have a concrete type like this one:

public class UsesStuff
    public IWidget Widget { get; }
    public IThing Thing { get; }
    public IEngine Engine { get; }

    public UsesStuff(IWidget widget, IThing thing, IEngine engine)
        Widget = widget;
        Thing = thing;
        Engine = engine;

To see what the generated code is to resolve that UsesStuff type, we can use the container diagnostic model to access that code for us with this syntax:

var plan = container.Model.For<UsesStuff>().Default.DescribeBuildPlan();

Which outputs this lovely looking code below:

    public class Lamar_Testing_IoC_Acceptance_container_model_usage_UsesStuff_usesStuff : Lamar.IoC.Resolvers.TransientResolver<Lamar.Testing.IoC.Acceptance.container_model_usage.UsesStuff>
        private readonly IWidget _widget;

        public Lamar_Testing_IoC_Acceptance_container_model_usage_UsesStuff_usesStuff(IWidget widget)
            _widget = widget;

        public override Lamar.Testing.IoC.Acceptance.container_model_usage.UsesStuff Build(Lamar.IoC.Scope scope)
            var pushrodEngine = new Lamar.Testing.IoC.Acceptance.container_model_usage.PushrodEngine();
            var thing = scope.GetInstance<Lamar.Testing.IoC.Acceptance.IThing>("thing");
            return new Lamar.Testing.IoC.Acceptance.container_model_usage.UsesStuff(_widget, thing, pushrodEngine);


Some notes on this:

  • You'll see that dependencies marked as Transient are just built inline (PushrodEngine)
  • Dependencies marked as Singleton end up being constructor dependencies to the resolver class and effectively inlined. That's a pretty significant performance that most modern IoC tools make in some form or fashion
  • Scoped dependencies -- for the moment -- are accessed by using service location to get the scoping right and honestly just to simplify the code generation process