


Bootstrapping & Configuration



Getting Started

Note! Jasper only targets Netstandard 2.1 at this time and supports .Net Core 3.* runtimes.

Jasper is a toolset for command execution and message handling within .Net Core applications. The killer feature of Jasper (we think) is its very efficient command execution pipeline that can be used as:

  1. A "mediator" type pipeline or an in memory messaging bus and command executor within .Net Core 3.* applications
  2. When used in conjunction with low level messaging infrastructure tools like RabbitMQ, a full fledged asynchronous messaging platform for robust communication and interaction between services

Jasper tries very hard to be a good citizen within the greater ASP.Net Core ecosystem and even when used in "headless" services, uses many elements of ASP.Net Core (logging, configuration, bootstrapping, hosted services) rather than try to reinvent something new. As of v1.0, Jasper utilizes the new .Net Generic Host for bootstrapping and application teardown. This makes Jasper relatively easy to use in combination with many of the most popular .Net Core tools.

Standalone Jasper Application

To create a standalone, headless Jasper service with no exposed HTTP endpoints, the quickest thing to do is to use a dotnet new template. First, install the latest JasperTemplates Nuget with this command:

dotnet new --install JasperTemplates

Next, build a new application using the jasper.service template in this case called "JasperApp" with this command:

dotnet new jasper.service -o JasperApp

Finally, if you run this new application with this command:

cd JasperApp
dotnet run

You should see some output in the console describing the running Jasper application like this:

Running service 'JasperConfig'
Application Assembly: JasperApp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /SomeDirectory/JasperApp/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/

Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

Your new Jasper service isn't actually doing anything useful, but you're got a working skeleton. To learn more about what you can do with Jasper, see the Sample Applications page. See Bootstrapping & Configuration for more information about idiomatic Jasper bootstrapping.

That covers bootstrapping Jasper by itself, but next let's see how you can add Jasper to an idiomatic ASP.Net Core application.

Adding Jasper to an ASP.Net Core Application

While you may certainly build headless services with Jasper, it's pretty likely that you will also want to integrate Jasper into ASP.Net Core applications.

If you prefer to use typical ASP.Net Core bootstrapping or want to add Jasper messaging support to an existing project, you can use the UseJasper<T>() extension method on ASP.Net Core's IHostBuilder as shown below:

var host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
    // Adds Jasper to your .Net Core application
    // with its default configuration

See Bootstrapping & Configuration for more information about configuring Jasper through the unified .Net Core IHostBuilder.

Your First Message Handler

Let's say you're building an invoicing application and your application should handle an InvoiceCreated event. The skeleton for the message handler for that event would look like this:

public class InvoiceCreated
    public Guid InvoiceId { get; set; }

public class InvoiceHandler
    public void Handle(InvoiceCreated created)
        // do something here with the created variable...

As long as this public class is inside of your main application assembly, Jasper is going to find this automatically and write this handler up to its execution pipeline.

And don't worry, you're more than able to author asynchronous message handlers, and probably should in any case involving calls to external systems, but Jasper is able to adapt to your code rather than making you shoehorn your code into a framework adapter interface.

See Writing Message Handlers for more information on message handler actions.