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Sending Form Data

Standard Form Data

Posting HTTP form data in the request can be done with the extension method shown below:

public async Task write_form_data(IAlbaHost system)
    var form1 = new Dictionary<string, string>
        ["a"] = "what?",
        ["b"] = "now?",
        ["c"] = "really?"

    await system.Scenario(_ =>
        // This writes the dictionary values to the HTTP
        // request as form data, and sets the content-length
        // header as well as setting the content-type
        // header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
public async Task write_form_data(IAlbaHost system)
    var form1 = new Dictionary<string, string>
        ["a"] = "what?",
        ["b"] = "now?",
        ["c"] = "really?"

    await system.Scenario(_ =>
        // This writes the dictionary values to the HTTP
        // request as form data, and sets the content-length
        // header as well as setting the content-type
        // header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

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There's a second overload that attempts to use an object and its properties to populate the form data:

public async Task can_bind_to_form_data()
    await using var system = AlbaHost.ForStartup<Startup>();

    var input = new InputModel {
        One = "one",
        Two = "two",
        Three = "three"

    await system.Scenario(_ =>


public async Task can_bind_to_form_data()
    await using var system = AlbaHost.ForStartup<Startup>();

    var input = new InputModel {
        One = "one",
        Two = "two",
        Three = "three"

    await system.Scenario(_ =>



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Do note that this only adds first level properties, so if you need to deeper accessors like add "Prop1.Prop2.Prop3," you'll have to resort to the dictionary approach.

Multipart Form Data & File Uploads

An additional extension exists that permits the usage of MultipartFormDataContent, which is commonly used for file uploads:

public async Task write_multipart_form_data(IAlbaHost system)
    // Read our file into a stream
    await using var imageFile = File.OpenRead("TestImage.jpg");
    // Extract the name from the path
    var imageFileName = Path.GetFileName(imageFile.Name);
    // Create the stream content
    using var content = new StreamContent(imageFile);
    // Remember to manually set the media type as it won't be done automatically
    content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg);

    // Create the MultiPartForm content & add the file
    using var formData = new MultipartFormDataContent();
    formData.Add(content, "files", imageFileName);

    // If you have other content in the form object, you can add it as well!
    formData.Add(new StringContent("My additional metadata"), "metadata");

    var result = await system.Scenario(_ =>
        // This extension will write the content to the request
        // body and set the required headers
public async Task write_multipart_form_data(IAlbaHost system)
    // Read our file into a stream
    await using var imageFile = File.OpenRead("TestImage.jpg");
    // Extract the name from the path
    var imageFileName = Path.GetFileName(imageFile.Name);
    // Create the stream content
    using var content = new StreamContent(imageFile);
    // Remember to manually set the media type as it won't be done automatically
    content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(MediaTypeNames.Image.Jpeg);

    // Create the MultiPartForm content & add the file
    using var formData = new MultipartFormDataContent();
    formData.Add(content, "files", imageFileName);

    // If you have other content in the form object, you can add it as well!
    formData.Add(new StringContent("My additional metadata"), "metadata");

    var result = await system.Scenario(_ =>
        // This extension will write the content to the request
        // body and set the required headers

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